Unlearn to learn


Making learning an evolving process

What flashes through your mind when you think of propelled learning?

1. Learning pushed by an external agent
2. Learning triggered by a real life event
3. Learning energized by noticing evidences of learning itself
4. Learning mastered by a master rote-learner by putting in massive effort

If your answer is 1, 2, 4- I suggest you need to go into the issue seriously for learning worth its name cannot be driven by anybody other than the learner herself. If your answer is 3, you better substantiate it J. I maintain that when learning is measured or given feedback on, the process is energized and invigorated….something happens to the energy there, and it can only be experienced in presence of an authentic assessment or an honest feedback.

Welcome to the course called Propelled Learning. It is based on the idea that while learning is intrinsic to the learner, and it is directed by motivations within, it CAN be propelled by external agencies. In this course we will explore the models, principles and processes that have propelling effect on learning.

My name is Vishnu Kant and I like to think I thrive in learning situations. I get very excited about creating them as such. They call me Chief Propeller at Propel Curriculum, the coursework we have developed in our working lives. Through this course, I will endeavour to take you on an exciting journey that hopefully will leave us all enriched.

My gratitude to you all for having enrolled in this course.

Welcome to the journey.

Below are our pieces of training we offer, please get in touch with us for any details on any of them. 



Understanding essence of NEP

6 Hours

Project Based learning

12 Hours

21st Century Skills

18 Hours

How learning works?

6 Hours

Experiential learning

6 Hours

Curriculum Mapping

6 Hours

Lesson Planning

12 Hours

Art Integration

6 Hours

Are you intelligent?

18 Hours

Child Development

6 Hours

Class Observation and Feedback (for supervisors and education leaders) essence of NEP

12 Hours

Classroom Management

3 Hours

Note book corrections as a learning tool

3 Hours

Concept Mapping

6 Hours

Group work and Cooperative Learning

6 Hours

Communication Skills

3 Hours

Magic of Feedback

6 Hours

Creating Learning Environment in the classroom

6 Hours

What are Learning Styles?

6 Hours

Teaching for Meaningful Learning

6 Hours

Pedagogy of Languages

6 Hours

Pedagogy of Mathematics

6 Hours

Pedagogy of Science

6 Hours

Pedagogy of Social Science

6 Hours

The Power of Questioning

6 Hours

Teacher Portfolio

3 Hours

Using Drawings in Class

6 Hours

Assessment & Reporting

6 Hours

Time Management

3 Hours

Subject Enrichment Labs for different subjects

6 Hours per Subject


12 Hours

Active Learning

6 Hours

Brain Based Learning

6 Hours

Understanding self and Team

6 Hours